
How to make money in BLOGGING?

Most of the blogs I've visited so far never fail to include post on how to earn money online, here are the things I've learned so far.

First and foremost to make money through Blogging is to have traffic, which means to make your blog popular. I just started blogging and to be frank with you I find it very difficult to find readers or to increase the number of visitors.

Keep blogging
As told by almost every blog that pertains to making cash online, blog posts must keep on coming, and constantly. You don't want someone visiting your site, only to find out you don't have anything to offer.

Comment on other blog
This is and will always be an effective way to gain traffic to your blog. Leave an interesting feedback every time you read a post and always leave a link to your blog, this way you lure readers to visit your blog.

Use of SEO
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to your web site from search engines. SEO is being aware of the trends, of what people searches for in the internet and making post related to topic. Using to know latest trends is the only solution I have for SEO, and I think is sufficient.

Following these steps according to blog experts will produce results in a month. Hope this helps, I'll write a follow up post maybe after a month to report the result of this post. ^_^


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